• advertising / sales support / broadcast & web graphics / corporate communications & training
Free Trump Checkbox Poster

Download high resolution 300dpi image copy by clicking here. Onscreen images are responsive and will vary in size. Chris Wetzel - BluSky Imaging

 Free Trump Genius Poster

Download high resolution 300dpi image copy by clicking here. Onscreen images are responsive and will vary in size. Chris Wetzel - BluSky Imaging

Free Trump Checkbox Poster

Download high resolution 300dpi image copy by clicking here. Onscreen images are responsive and will vary in size. Chris Wetzel - BluSky Imaging

MAGA Scum Off Cleaner

Free Anti-Trump Posters

COPY: Chris Wetzel LAYOUT: Chris Wetzel
PHOTOS: None GRAPHICS: Chris Wetzel

Design notes:

I am clearly not a Trump fan, but as a graphic designer what can I do? The answer these free Anti-Trump posters that I hope many people will download, print and display. The checkbox poster is the first one I created. Picking only seven of Trump's greatest hits to display as checkboxes was difficult, but when I finished all I thought was wordy wordy wordy.., no one will ever read it, plus the Trump image I used made him look to normal. So I created the Genius Poster, not an original concept, but a combination of several political cartoons visualized. MAGA Scum-Off is my favorite poster. The orginal composite design was very small not big enough for a hi-rez poster, so I brought it into Adobe Illistrator and traced the image to convert into a vector image. Brought the vector back into Photoshop and rasterized at 24 x 36inch at 300dpi and added a canvas texture. The scum-off jug is a 3D model I created view here and surfaced with a new label based on a product actually called "ScumOff". Please use the "Log-in to comment" link below, to leave any further ideas.

Tools: photoshop, lightwave

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