• advertising / sales support / broadcast & web graphics / corporate communications & training

Twister Communications Commercial

AD COPY: Chris Wetzel DIRECTOR: Chris Wetzel
VIDEO: Charles Hack EDIT/GFX: Chris Wetzel

Design notes:

After many go arounds with the Twister in-house marketing person, we settled on this copy, which I felt was selling on to many messages. The free internet access is almost a throw away at the end of the spot and should had been its own commerical. The sound effect and womans VO whispering twister at the begining of the ad became at audio log-on for all their services. The Earth GFX and flying 7 where created in Lighwave 3D. Joe Ford supplied the alway excellent voice over. I directed this ad, edited and created all the graphics and split the camera duties with Charles Hack an excellent LD and cameraman. Music from the Network Music Library.

Tools: photoshop, lightwave

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